Second semester is ahead of you! This is a time of baby’s increased activity – sitting, crawling and maybe ever its first steps! This is the time of real kitchen revolution – first bites with teeth, and above all, a whole range of new flavors! Have culinary experiments but keep in mind that your baby still has a strong need for milk. Mami lac 2 Extra Care has been created so as to cover the demand for all nutrients of an active baby which ensures the proper development and growth, provides energy during the day and peaceful sleep at night.
Mami Lac 2 Extra Care 400g
The main advantages of Mami Lac 2 Extra Care:
- No sugar added
- Quick preparation
- Does not require cooking
- Does not contain any flavor additives or grain
- Gluten free
Mami Lac 2 Extra Care contains:
- Adapted proteins – similar to human milk protein
- The composition of minerals, including iron necessary in the process of blood cells formation and the development of brain
- Composition of vitamins
- GOS – prebiotics naturally found in breast milk and support the growth of beneficial bacteria, thus protecting the child’s digestive system and child’s natural immune system
- DHA – polyunsaturated fatty acids which support the development of the brain and nervous system of your baby
- AA – one of the omega-6 fatty acids naturally found in breast milk, in the baby’s body it plays an essential role in building of retina and brain cells
- Vitamin D – strengthens bones and teeth, prevents rickets.
Important information! Remember! For the health and safety of your baby strictly follow the notes included on the product packaging. Before giving your child infant milk formula consult your doctor. Mami Lac 2 Extra Care can be used when breast feeding is impossible or to supplement baby’s diet.
Our tip: During parallel feeding with breast milk and infant milk formula, it is good to mix both milks to harmonize the flavor. If after the feeding baby is still hungry or restless and the milk itself does not satisfy hunger, you can prepare infant milk formula based dairy dishes with addition of gruel.
Weight: 400g
Nutrition facts:
Nutrients Unit for
100ml of milk
100g of powder
100 kcal
Energy kcal 69 485 kJ 290 2040 100 Protein g 2,3 15,9 0,8 Casein g 1,1 7,4 0,4 Whey protein g 1,2 8,5 0,4 Carbohydrates g 7,7 53,8 2,7 Laktose g 5,5 38,3 1,9 Maltodextrine g 2,2 15,5 0,8 Galactooligosaccharides g 0,3 2,3 0,1 Fat g 3,1 22,0 1,1 Linoleic acid g 0,4 2,8 0,137 α-linoleic acid mg 55 390 19 AA mg 3.4 24 1.32 DHA Mg 2.1 15 0.7 Water % <3,0 Vitamins: Vit. A µg RE 65 460 23 Vit. D3 µg 1,2 8,3 0,4 Vit. E mg α-TE 1,4 10 0,5 Vit. K1 µg 5,4 38 1,9 Wit. C mg 12,8 90 4,4 Vit. B1 µg 71 500 25 Vit. B2 µg 81 640 31 Vit. B6 µg 50 350 17 Vit. B12 µg 0,17 1,2 0,06 Niacine µg 400 3000 150 Folic Acid µg 11 78 3,89 Pantothenic
µg 370 2600 127 Biotine µg 1,35 10 0,47 Minerals: Calcium mg 66 460 23 Phosphorus mg 43 300 15 Magnesium mg 6,7 47 2,3 Iron mg 1,1 8,0 0,4 Zinc mg 0,6 4,2 0,2 Manganese µg 7,8 55 2,7 Copper µg 58 410 20 Iodine µg 16 110 5,4 Sodium mg 24 170 8,3 Potassum mg 87 610 30 Chlorine mg 52 370 18 Selenium μg 2,8 19,5 1,0 Choline mg 11 79 3,9 Taurine mg 7,1 50 2,5 Inositol mg 6,4 54 2,2 Allergens: protein from cow's milk, lactose, soy